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{{multiCartItemsStr.replace('[COUNT]', minicart.cartList.length)}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
Qty: {{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}

Item Qty Total
{{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.ProductName}}
SKU: {{cartItem.ProductSku}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} x {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : '$' : 2}}
{{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : '$' : 2}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
You have no items in your shopping cart.
Subtotal {{minicart.cartTotals.SubTotal | currency : '$' : 2}}
Image Item Qty Total
{{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.ProductName}}
SKU: {{cartItem.ProductSku}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} x {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : '$' : 2}}
{{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : '$' : 2}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
You have no items in your shopping cart.
Description Created
{{savedCart.Description}} {{savedCart.CreateDate | date : 'M/d/yyyy h:mm a'}}
SKU Product Name Unit Cost Qty Line Total
{{cartItem.ProductSku}} {{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : '$' : 2}} {{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} {{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : '$' : 2}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
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Status Order No. Order Date Ship To Order Total Pay Total Balance
Bill Me Later Open Ready To Ship Shipped Picked Up Cancelled Incomplete On Hold Back Ordered Returned {{order.Status}}
{{order.OrderID}} {{order.OrderDate | date : 'M/d/yyyy'}} {{order.ShipFirstName}} {{order.ShipLastName}}, {{order.ShipAddress1}} {{order.ShipAddress2}}, {{order.ShipCity}}, {{order.ShipState}} {{order.ShipZipcode}} {{order.GrandTotal | currency : '$' : 2}} {{order.PayTotal | currency : '$' : 2}} {{order.GrandTotal - order.PayTotal | currency : '$' : 2}}


{{image.AltTag}} {{image.AltTag}}
Default Image Default Image
Out of Stock

For improved separation of varying material mixes, each deck of our OCC Screens features a dedicated drive for independent deck speed control. Our OCC Screens are 78" wide, include two 15' decks, 26" diameter abrasive resistant steel discs, and inverter duty brake motors.

Supports and chutes can be custom designed to meet specific requirements.

You purchased this item on {{details.product.OrderHistory[0].OrderDate | date : 'M/d/yyyy'}}